STA Single Tooth Anesthetic Anesthesia

STA (Single Tooth Anesthesia) FDA Cleared

In order to ensure there is no pain from the injections or the work your dentist is doing, the STA system releases a specific amount of anesthesia throughout your dental procedure. Just the location where work is to be done is numbed.

The needle used for STA does not look like a typical syringe. The needle looks like a wand or pen with a tiny needle on the end and, being much smaller than the traditional dental needles, it does not cause the numbness and drooling that you have come to expect after having dental work done.

How this helps you: You can let your dentist work on your mouth without numbing your whole face, and you don't have to be nervous about waiting a long time before you can talk or have a cup of coffee without drooling, or having a large lip or a twisted face. 

In the past, many people suffered from bad experiences with dental injections; today, the STA system gets rid of the 'bee sting' effect with computer controlled, automatically released anesthesia. No awful dental syringe is used and the doses of anesthesia are delivered under your threshold of pain.

The gums are sprayed lightly to make them numb and then a computerized system divides anesthesia into tiny doses assuring you that pain won't be felt.

Painless Single Tooth Anesthetic San Diego

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